About Us

School Values

Our Vision Statement:

Our school provides a happy, safe and caring environment, in which each individual is respected and valued and their efforts and achievements celebrated.

Our challenging, stimulating, broad and balanced curriculum reflects the expectation that all children will maximise their potential – we grow confident learners.

Our logo was designed with our vision in mind

The tree:

  • We value our outdoor space which is beautiful and unexpected due to our city location. 
  • Forest School is highly valued by all of our children and enables them to access opportunities for outdoor learning and vocabulary that ensure they develop physical motor skills, self-confidence and an emotional awareness in the natural world.
  • Just as trees are alive, grow, change with the seasons, are resilient, release oxygen, have many branches and leaves, our children are all different, highly valued, nurtured and supported to grow in to confident learners who are able to take their knowledge and skills acquired with us to form their long-lasting roots.

The book:

  • The open book is a symbol of learning and knowledge. It represents the learning that we strive to provide for our pupils so that they may continue to learn and develop throughout their lives.  We envisage this to be lifelong learning.
  • At Charter Academy, we promote a love of reading for every child with a well-stocked library, a book corner in every classroom and a reading for pleasure spine across school.  Our bespoke reading curriculum ensures children access a wide-range of texts that support our ethos of growing confident and fluent readers.

Our Values – Roots to Success

Our Roots to Success were developed through joint work between our school council, our governors, all of our children and all of our staff.  They represent the needs of our community as well as our ethos in school.

At Charter Academy we are:

Ambitious because we strive to achieve our goals and dreams

Proud because we build a culture of respect and encourage everyone at school to take pride in our school, in their own achievements and in the achievements of others.

Creative because we develop our creative thinking and skills, particularly through the use of digital technology.  Creative thinking includes analysis, open-mindedness, problem-solving – all skills required for life-long achievement.

Curious because we create opportunities for children to experience the joy of discovery and the desire for exploration.  Our children all know that asking questions is a positive part of the learning process and enables you to find out more.

Determined because successful people have setbacks but they always find a way around it.  Our children show resilience and determination through many different aspects of school life both indoors and outdoors which serves them well in life beyond school.

Considerate because every member of our school community shows compassion and empathy to others.  We are helpful, include others, and use words to lift others up rather than tearing them down